Gender equality is off track - according to a recent report by the United Nations, 300 years off track. [1]
Using both natural and organic ingredients are becoming more and more popular every day in the beauty industry. There are good reasons why too.
NJIA nzuri ya kujifunza jambo kutoka kwa mtu mwingine ni kujifanya mnyonge au kutoonyesha kwamba walijua.
JAMBO lililofanywa kwa pupa huwa halifai. Methali hii yatufunza umuhimu wa kufanya mambo yetu kwa utaratibu kama tunataka mafanikio.

NIWAELEZE ndugu zangu madereva wa bodaboda mlioko kila mahali, moja ya kanuni na mwongozo muhimu katika kazi zenu ni kwamba mnatakiwa kuwa wasafi kuanzia kichwani, mavazi hadi viatu.

THE first time I spoke with Nelson Mandela was in 1994, when he called to ask me to help fund South Africa’s first multi-racial election. It’s not every day that Nelson Mandela called, so I...

THE health challenges facing East Africa are almost insurmountable – malaria, HIV/Aids, tuberculosis, maternal and child health complications, and non-communicable diseases such as such as high...
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu once remarked that African National Congress delegates to elective conferences were mere “voting cattle” used by their leaders. This earned him a stern rebuke from...
FORTY-some years ago, my wife and I were sitting in a Mexican restaurant in downtown Philadelphia for lunch.
THE global community celebrated the 2017 world food day on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 with the theme: "Change the Future of Migration: Investment in Food Security and Rural Development."
"WE need to, and we shall move Africa beyond aid," so said President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of Ghana during an event organised by the Royal Africa Society, Facebook and the Ghana 60 Years On...
TANZANIA is on the pathtowards industrialization. Improved social dialogue and policy coordination could enhance the inclusiveness and impact on Tanzanian economy and the benefits for ordinary...
In a widely anticipated move, the Trump administration announced on October 12 that it is to withdraw from UNESCO, the 72-year-old UN agency which protects the world’s cultural heritage. It is a...