Blood shortage cited as main reason for maternal deaths

18Jun 2021
By Guardian Reporter
The Guardian
Blood shortage cited as main reason for maternal deaths

ACUTE shortage of blood at hospitals and various health centres in the country is said to be among main reasons for maternal and accident victims mortality.

In addition, due to the shortage, the Mt Master Church in Dodoma city has mobilised its followers to cooperate in a special event to donate blood to save lives of patients.

Speaking yesterday, the church’s Bishop, Silvanus Komba said due to many hospitals being faced with blood shortage, they decided that there was need for the church to assist in blood donation to those in need.

He called upon Tanzanians to understand that it is the responsibility of every person capable in donating blood to offer themselves to do so to help those in need.

One of the church’s followers who donated blood, Irene Ngongi said the move taken by the church was a big offering to those in need.

"Today the church had the opportunity to donate blood, and no one knows whose lives it is going to save, I therefore call upon all Tanzania to offer themselves and donate blood to save the lives of the people,”

For his part, an expert from Dodoma Safe Blood Centre Charles Ndahani said in addition to efforts in collecting blood, there was still a great need for the essential supply in many areas.

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