900 children in Mbeya subjected to violence, abuse in 2019/2020

18Jun 2021
By Guardian Reporter
The Guardian
900 children in Mbeya subjected to violence, abuse in 2019/2020

MORE than 900 children in Mbeya Region were subjected to various kinds of child abuse including sexual abuse, being abandoned by parents and guardians and being denied the right to education in the period of 2019/20.

The remarks were given mid this week by Mbeya Regional Administrative Secretary Dr Angelina Lutambi during the commemoration of the Day of the African Child, the event held here at regional level.

She said the children subjected to abuse were those aged zero to 14 years, adding that 196 children were subjected to sexual abuse, 222 to bodily violence, 296 psychologically and 84 abandoned.

“These statistics are outrageous, they show how the society is not accountable and not abiding by the laws in the protection of children, as acts of violence begin at family level, we must change and become more accountable in children’s upbringing,” she added.

She added that adverse effects that could result if the parents fail to give children better upbringing is the large number of orphans, children living in difficult environment many of who end up in streets including in crime.

She said these acts violate the 1990 International Resolution, the 2009 children’s development policy (Section 21), hence it is the responsibility of every one to have a strategy to ensure children get all their basic rights.

In fighting child abuse in Mbeya Region, Walteread Organisation has established various programmes aimed at empowering children economically and oppose child abuse.

Walteread Representative in Tanzania, Emmanuel Bahema said they continue to provide education against HIV/Aids in vulnerable groups.

However, Mbeya Region’s Children’s Platform praised the government by enacting the 2009 law on children, saying it was a robust pillar in demanding and protecting the rights of children.

The Platform’s Chairman, Eva Mwasonge, a Form III student at Ikama Secondary School in Kyela District said the law has given them much strength to fight for their rights.

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