Telecom firm expands mobile network coverage in Moro region

21Jul 2018
The Guardian Reporter
The Guardian
Telecom firm expands mobile network coverage in Moro region

THE parliamentary Standing Committee on Infrastructure has commended Tigo Tanzania for expanding its network coverage in border areas and special zones with the launch of new sites in Kumbulu and Balama wards in Gairo district, Morogoro region.

Committee Chairperson Seleman Kakoso said during the launch of the new site that telecommunication continued to be a critical force for growth and innovation across multiple sectors.


Kakoso was accompanied by Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications Atashasta Nditiye, other members of the committee and local leaders where it was also observed that the launch of the new sites was part of ongoing efforts by the company to ensure that everyone had access to the transformational services that mobile technology can provide.


“I thank the company for connecting these wards which previously did not have any form of network coverage,” he said.


He called upon all stakeholders in the telecommunications sector to ensure digital inclusion for all, especially those living in marginal areas, while remaining conscious of existing government policies and regulations, together with the agreed project execution quality guidelines and timelines.


Chairperson of the Universal Communications Services Access Fund (UCSAF) Dr Joseph Kilongola said that the new sites were part of the fifth tender that was issued by UCSAF and was evidence of collaborative efforts between the telecoms firm and the fund, with continued support from the government to ensure that all citizens have access to reliable communication services.


For his part, Tigo Coast Acting Zonal Manager Joseph Mutalemwa revealed that the company’s mission was to ensure access to mobile technology for the more than 13 million Tanzanians who hadn’t been connected so far.


“We believe that increased accessibility to mobile broadband will open rural communities to previously elusive services such as e-commerce, e-health, e-education and e-government, thereby transforming the way people learn and do business,” he said.


Mutalemwa reiterated the company’s commitment to supporting the national ICT policy and the government’s industrialization efforts by investing in network expansion and improvement to enable the entire country to experience the wide array of economic, educational and social advantages that result from digital connectivity.


According to him, the government has recognised the existing digital divide between rural and urban areas in terms of broadband access.


“We are grateful to the government for being responsive enough, a fact confirmed by the granting of the tender that gave us the green light to provide digital connectivity to rural areas,” he said.


Areas with digital connectivity include Balama, Kumbulu and Nongwe wards which previously lacked any form of network coverage.


Tigo has participated in applying for tenders from UCSAF since 2012, whereby to date it has connected over 100 wards thanks to UCSAF support.

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