TASAF III beneficiaries registering improved livelihood opportunities

13Feb 2018
The Guardian Reporter
The Guardian
TASAF III beneficiaries registering improved livelihood opportunities

VULNERABLE groups have the potential to create significant savings, and use these savings for investment if well-coordinated.

 This has been proven by the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) III beneficiaries at Kihonda Magorofani Ward in Morogoro who have lived to show that knowledge is indeed power.

 A walk through the various homesteads of beneficiaries in Morogoro portrays a picture of a population, whose lives have improved. Well-developed sanitation, established small scale businesses and happy families characterized the life changing face of the TASAF beneficiaries.

The TASAF programme was initiated in 2000 by the Government of Tanzania as one of its initiatives on poverty reduction. Phase 1 of the programme began in 2000, while phase 2 of the programme began in 2015 and have since been concluded, registering tremendous outcomes.

An evaluation of TASAF 111 by the TASAF monitoring and Evaluation teams has revealed that much has been done and that beneficiaries are recording improved standards of living.

Tasaf M & E officer Justine Bisangwa speaking after an assessment of the Morogoro beneficiaries for utilizing their grants well while at the same time warning other beneficiaries against misusing their grants.

Bisangwa said the aim of the grant was to enable the beneficiaries invest in small scale businesses and also ensure that they meet all their daily needs and not engage in leisure.

The officer specifically cited beneficiaries from Kihonda Magorofani  as having spent their funds well and asked all other beneficiaries to emulate from them. Also hailed for their prudent use of resources were beneficiaries from Msamvu B’ street.


Speaking to The Guardian, Rehema Abdala Kiswili, a beneficiary from Msamvu ''B'' street said the TASAF 3 funds have enabled her renovate her toilet at a cost of 200,000shillings.

“I used to fear cholera attacks, but I no longer fear since I now have a decent toilet,” said Rehema adding that she can also take a bath at any time as opposed to previously when she could only shower late in the night or early in the morning for fear of being seen. Apart from that, Rehema has also acquired a piece of land where she farms.  

Filomena Joseph Magunda another beneficiary says TASAF's 150,000 grant enabled her to open a shop and a grocery where she sells among other things vegetables, tomatoes, and other spices. Together with her husband, they depend on the shop for their livelihood.

Moshi Suedi a charcoal vendor also confesses that TASAF has not only given her income but changed her life. She tells The Guardian that she began with one sack of charcoal but has now expanded after securing funds from TASAF.

TASAF encompasses a holistic approach to poverty reduction. It includes strategies on livelihood enhancement, trainings on savings and investments among other things. The phase 3 programme targeted about 15 percent of Tanzania population.


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