Editorial »

23Nov 2023
By George Cleophace Muntu
The Guardian

Leaders of the BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, pose for a group photo during the 2023 BRICS Summit at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa, Aug. 23, 2023. (Photo/AP).

Finally, the BRICS group is made up of eleven member countries. The expansion of BRICS...

10Apr 2023
The Guardian

The death of Zainab from bleeding after giving birth to her daughter, Safiya, in Yemen...

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The Guardian

In September, 2023, world leaders will have a unique opportunity to commit to bolstering health...

18Feb 2023
The Guardian

WITH Treasury the final touches to the next budget estimates, stakeholders are understandably...

18Feb 2023
The Guardian

WITH diagnostic and treatment facilities for heart disease being improved in referral hospitals...

12Nov 2022
The Guardian

HABITS are changing in many rural areas of the country, and indeed elsewhere, as both retiring...

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THERE is some confusion among water sector stakeholders on the big question of ‘who gets what,...

27Oct 2022
The Guardian

SECTORAL authorities in the sugar wing of either the Ministry of Agriculture or Investments are...

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The Guardian

MEETINGS have started again for members of the Tanzania-Mozambique Joint Permanent Commission...

30Sep 2022
The Guardian

DEBATE has started in various forums on the bill for health insurance legislation already...

07Sep 2022
The Guardian

PLEASANT surprise was on the face of passengers aboard a boat plying the Zanzibar-Dar passage on...

03Sep 2022
The Guardian

Green growth is a term to describe a path of economic growth that uses natural resources in a...
